Meet Camina Sylvestro, MA Education, Health & Wellness Coach & Associate Pranic Healer. Camina brings over 30 years of experience as an educator, counselor, wellness coach and energy healer. With a compassionate and supportive presence, Camina assists women on their journey to uncover who they truly are & how much more they're capable of being!
Camina's Philosophy in Her Own Words:
I believe women have the inner wisdom and ability to change and grow by recognizing and listening to their own answers, the "voice" within. As your Wellness Coach, my approach is to truly listen 'not advise', but to help you uncover your own voice - your wants, needs and desires that will lead you to a happier lifestyle. By exploring what you think, feel and believe about yourself and what's possible in your life, we work together to respectfully shift old and outdated patterns that often keep one stuck and in frustrating situations. I'll assist you to find within yourself the motivation needed to initiate, sustain and maintain your life choices. I'll work with you to realize and acknowledge your strengths and build upon them to overcome fears or obstacles resistant to change. You take the lead and set the agenda! As your coach, I'm equipped with wellness tools and strategies that will help you take stock of your life, set goals and take action toward a more positive lifestyle. When you make a commitment for action, I'll help hold you accountable so you'll accomplish your goals in a self-determined time frame.
Pranic Healing has improved my life physically, emotionally and spiritually. As a Pranic Healer, I have over seven years of experience helping clients reenergize and revitalize their lives through the "no touch" energy healing modality known as Pranic Healing. I work with women to balance, harmonize and transform their body's energy processes and to let go of negative energies and thought patterns. Through the use of Pranic Healing, the capacity of the body to heal itself is enhanced. It helps to reduce stress and increase energy levels and vitality. Pranic Healing can be utilized for improving physical, emotional and mental conditions. Based on results, I believe an "energetic approach" to healing mind, body & spirit" can make a profound and positive impact on your life.
"A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform" - Diane Mariechild -
I love working with women to help them discovery their own power, creativity and ability to transform! My coaching & healing objective is to support & celebrate you toward a healthier, happier & more fulfilled life!
Email Camina at for an appointment or for more information click Contact & submit form.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What is Wellness?
Wellness is living your life consciously in ways that improve your health and well being. Wellness is about the whole person and all aspects of their lives not just health or physical fitness. Wellness is an active process through which people become aware of, and make conscious choices toward a more successful and fulfilling life.
What is Wellness Coaching?
Wellness Coaching is about helping people improve their lifestyle behavior. It is an alliance between a professional coach and a person who through the benefit of that relationship seeks lasting, lifestyle behavioral change.
What are the Four Cornerstones of Coaching? ('Co-Active Coaching' by Laura Whitmore, Henry Kimsey-House & Phil Sandahl)
- Clients are naturally creative, resourceful and whole
- Coaching addresses the client's whole life
- The agenda comes from the client
- The coach/client relationship is a designed alliance
What is Pranic Healing?
Pranic healing is an energy healing system that uses Prana or Life Force to balance, harmonize and transform the body's energy processes.
It was founded by Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui. He studied, experimented, researched and validated his work with subtle energy for more than 30 years.
What are the two basic laws of Pranic Healing?
- The Law of Self Recovery - The body is capable of healing itself.
- The Law of Life Energy - For life to exist, the body must have prana, chi, or life energy.
What are the two basic principles of Pranic Healing?
- Cleansing - removing used-up dirty energy
- Energizing - transferring of new pranic energy to client
What is the benefit of Pranic Healing?
- Through Pranic Healing, the natural healing process of the body can be accelerated by increasing the energy (prana) on the affected part(s) of the body or the entire body to heal specific conditions.